My number one hobby while getting lost in Paris was, to the great joy (not) of my travelmates, finding some good vintage shopping. Here in Gothenburg you have to look through loads of crap before you find something even remotely attractive. In Paris, they are a little bit more picky, and unfortunately a little bit more expensive. However, if you're stubborn you can find really beautiful original pieces to a nice price. Here are the shops I liked the most:
Free P-star, 8, rue Ste Croix de la Bretonnerie, 4:e
This one is my favourite. The prices are reasonable and the clothes are wacko. The shop is absolutely stuffed with flowery dresses and lovely lace thingies and they have a little indoor balcony with more clothes and a scary ladder. A crazy shop that you must see. And yes, they do take the major credit cards.
Come on Eileen, 16/18 Rue des Taillandiers, 11:e
Three stories of second-hand heaven. Lots of designer wear, sometimes a bit pricey. Going through the racks is like the picture gallery I recommended not too long ago, you have absolutely NO idea what comes next.
Rag, ? Rue St Honoré
Small but interesting shop that must've moved not too long ago. On the internet I found the old adress on Rue St Martin, south of Centre Pompidou. When I looked it up I found two other second hand shops on that adress. But they were a little more flea-market-y. Still worth a visit if you ask me..
Kiliwatch, 64, rue Tiquetonne, 2:e
Huge store that mixes the old with the new. Like pretty much everything in Paris, the prices are pretty scary sometimes, but this shop is well worth browsing through.
Picsouille, 3 Rue Perrault, 1:e, Mo Louvre-Rivoli
Nice little shop right near the Louvre. Very mixed clothes, some of them not too old. The prices were really good and they had beautiful accessories.
La Belle Epoque, 10 Rue de Poitou, 3:e
This one was closed when I got there but the street was packed with lovely little shops, so I recommend it anyways. I will definitely pay a visit when I come next time
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