Some time ago, I mentioned the bacon-wrapped dates that I'd eaten at Capaco, the tapas bar. Now we tried them at home. The home-made ones totally ruled, too.
Here's how to: wrap fresh dates (pit them if you like) in bacon and grill them in the oven on high heat or simply fry them in a pan until crunchy.
Serve immediately, enjoy the nice contrast of salt,crispy bacon vs. creamy, supa-sweet date.
The most simple recipe I found was in Danish, here. (which is also where I borrowed the pic)
I came across a more elaborate recipe here, that also included a sauce that looks mighty fine to me. Must try.
Det där är mina tapasfavoriter. Vi har ett suveränt tapas ställe i Jönköping, Anna-Gretas. Där kan man också äta fantastiska gratinerade musslor... vad hungrig jag blev nu :)
Mmm! And when you tire of the dates, try the same thing but with fresh asparagus. Delicious!
nu vågar ingen dejta dig längre. de vet vilket öde som väntar dem.
Oh ha HA. Fyndigt :P
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